Topology optimization is attracting a lot of fans! This month I review what topology optimization is and some of the practical issues it raises. Topology optimization is not new, the origins are usually attributed to Bendsoe and Kikuchi, reference 1, from 1988. By 2000 several FEA solvers had early versions. There is rejuvenated interest now […]
Structural optimization
Background Optimization has earned a key place in the drive to improve products based on a wide range of performance criteria. Optimization technology has advanced rapidly over the last decade and the engineer faces a bewildering variety of tools and methods. It is tempting to view the optimizer as a black box; press the […]
Optimization – Science or Philosophy?
Background A previous article I wrote introduced structural optimization concepts and methodology. In this article we look at some of the philosophical questions which arise when considering optimization; and which may indeed drive the approach taken and the tools used. The first question to consider is the context in which we are planning structural […]