Session 4: Why is Mohr’s circle so disliked? Giving it another chance …
30 minutes presentation, 30 minutes curated Q and A
Mohr’s circle seems to be a very unpopular topic in structural mechanics courses!
I think it is because it seems to be:
- Very arcane
- Very procedural
- Very confusing
- Never used in practical engineering
Why bother with Principal Stresses, Maximum shears etc. – Von Mises is king!!
Maybe don’t want to go back to graphs, but:
- Perhaps Mohr’s circle is useful today to help understand:
- Why do stress transformations?
- What are stress transformations?
I am trying to give Mohr a boost here!
Check out the other webinars:
Session 1: St Venant’s principle
Session 5: Cheating in nonlinear buckling
Session 6: High or Low Cycle Fatigue – what’s in a number?
Session 7: Generative Design and Topology Optimization – what’s the difference?
Session 8: Why are Normal Modes an essential foundation in Dynamic Response?
Session 9: Stress Singularities and Concentrations – what’s the difference?
Session 10: “Spider’ elements in FEA – what are they?
Session 11: Units in FEA – some horror stories!
Session 12: Can designers really take advantage of FEA?
Session 13: FEA models under or over constrained?
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